Grilled Salmon with Pepper and Onion Salsa

Make Sure the Grill is Super Hot!

This is one of those recipes where you need to make sure the grill is raging, super hot and ready to go.  The fish won’t stick and the grill marks will make it look delicious!

The recipe?


Serves 4
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cooking Time 8 minutes

For the salsa
1/2 cup red bell pepper, cubed
1/2 cup green bell pepper, cubed
1/4 cup onion chives,chopped
1/8 cup red onion, chopped
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

For the fish
4 fillets of salmon, skin on
extra virgin olive oil
salt and freshly cracked black pepper

Make the salsa: Mix all ingredients and set aside. You can prepare this salsa around an hour ahead but not any longer than that or it will go mushy.

Season the fish with all the ingredients and set aside. Make sure the salmon is clean and bone-free for easy eating. Also, the salmon should be cold but not frozen.

Heat the Grill until smoking then place salmon skin-side-up. Cook until the skin is crispy and is no longer sticking to the grill, around 3 minutes.

4  Turn salmon using a fish spatula or any wide spatula and sear the other side for another 3 to 4 minutes. Top with salsa and serve.

It doesn’t get any easier than that, right?


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